Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Justice Will See You Now

This article is about how President Obama's health care law may be up to Justice Kennedy. At the moment the health care law has had two district judges vote for it and two against it. It is still not certain it'll end up in the Supreme Court but if it does it will be up to Kennedy to decide for or against it. What has been established in 1991 was the individual mandate that says that whoever can afford health care insurance must buy it. Later on there were two bills proposed but weren't accepted and they showed how the individual mandate was the central idea for the Republicans. After Obama proposed the new health care law the Republicans tried to convince the courts that the individual mandate was a regulation of economic inactivity. At the end it will come down to Kennedy to resolve this and whichever way he may go will cause a dramatic impact. I believe this article is worth reading because it is a major dispute that is going on right now and that will affect Americans. Whether the health care law is passed or not health affects everyone so we have to pay close atention to issues regarding it. Click here to view article.

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